Juli 11, 2008

Ellen Jacoby

Ellen Jacoby
In an continuation of her Taste Colour System Ellen takes the graphical language of taste even further with and brings it into Wheel of Taste.

Translation the four colour process system so that each colour expresses a different flavour: cyan being salty, magenta expressing sweetness, yellow connoting things sour and a deep black for a taste of bitterness.

These four taste sensations represent the essential flavours of cooking, just as the four colours make up the colour scale of the printed image.

When it comes to applying Ellen's system to an apple it works like this: an apple, half sweet and half sour, finds its representation in terms of colour as a mix of magenta and yellow in a ratio of 50:50 and so producing a pale orange.

Out of this Ellen has created a Wheel of Taste representing a combination of over 600 different ingredients.

Ellen has developed her very own palette of taste colours which she uses in her preparation of food. Working with her colour system she has created a four course meal and turned each into a still image.

These Fantastetic Four art prints are a visual cue to the taste and experience of each of the four dishes.

Sie macht ganz verschiedene Sachen, die alle etwas mit dem Geschmackssinn zu tun haben.
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